Rascal Flatts fans are awesome and tend to support the same causes (there are many!) that the band does. To us they are more than entertainers, they have heart. Among the fans there are many that contribute resources, but there are a few very special ladies that each year undertake the tremendous task of putting together a huge toy drive at Christmas and fund raisers year round. Heading up these ladies is Mrs. Velvet Arrington, ~V~ as she is know throughout the fam. ~V~ works a lot of long hours and I have personally seen her literally chase down Gary LeVox, Jay DeMarcus and Joe Don Rooney for their personal input into her latest project, which is why I am calling on all Rascal Flatts Fam. Below is a message I received today from ~V~ PLEASE help out if you can. I for one am very eager for this process to be completed. I know ~V~ has been working on this OVER 2 years, that my friends is dedication. Let's help her finish the book THEN lets buy it!

Thank you everyone that has contributed or that is going to contribute to this wonderful project. There is one catch though; you have to be FAM to contribute so if you are not you can join the Rascal Flatts Fan Club (All Access) or become a member of the Rascal Flatts Flatt Dog Pound (Street Team). There is a fee to join the Fan Club but the Street Team membership is free.
A note from Velvet...
Please copy and send the message below to FAM members and make it your status as well. I am asking you for your help. There is many many Fam members who are not on the boards but are on FB. Please help!!!! Please do this... This is our support not just to RF but for the hospital and the children. I need the recipes by Sunday the 26th. Everyone has Fam friends. :)
--If you are RF FAM member or street team, we need your recipes... Please email the recipes to arringnl@gmail.com. We are on a limited time frame. Be a part of the fund raising cookbook for Vanderbilt Childrens Hospital.-- Thank you!!!!
Thank you so much for doing this guys it means alot to me! Not sure if you remember me or not but I met you when you were first starting out! I miss ya'll so much!