Friday, October 29, 2010

WOW!! November is Busy!!!

If you are a fan of Rascal Flatts and I know you are simply because this is a site dedicated to Rascal Flatts LOL, then you are gonna love hate November 2010!! There are so very many things going on leading up to the release of Nothing Like This and various awards shows to vote on that it is VERY hard to keep up with it all!!

I am gonna do my best to post everything for you guys but again LOTS going on!!! Oh, why did I say Love & Hate you ask? Because you love every little thing you can see and do with and about Rascal Flatts that's the LOVE part, but dang it don't you just hate you can't be at all the really cool things going on? It's all good though, I will do my best to keep you informed and post links and pics when possible.


  1. I can't wait. November here we come. It will be a great month to be a rascalflatts fan.

  2. I can't wait. November here we come. It will be a great month to be a rascalflatts fan.
